Creating Digital Spirographs and Harmonographs with Processing

The class Creating Digital Spirographs and Harmonographs with Processing teaches students how to use the Processing programming language to create digital spirographs and harmonographs. The lecture component explains the concept of operation and the mathematical principles that make it possible to create programmed versions of spirographs and harmonographs.
Mathematical concepts covered include cartesian coordinates, polar coordinates, sine and cosine, amplitude, frequency, phase, decay, degrees and radians. The classes of curves discussed are hypotrochoids, epitrochoids, and Lissajous. The structure and statements of the four model spirograph and harmonograph programs that are provided for students to use is also explained in the hands-on portion of the class. Students keep the model spirograph and harmonograph programs for their own experimentation.

An example slide from the class
The length of this class presentation is between 45 and 60 minutes, expandable to 90 minutes. For scheduling and general inquiries please click the link below to send me an email.
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