Art Quotes

I've always had a fondness for quotations, especially those that succintly express a powerful idea. As Winston Churchill observed: "It is a good thing for an educated man to read books of quotations." and who am I to argue.
I've grouped the quotations into four main categories: those that deal specifically with abstract art; those dealing with art in general; those dealing specifically with computer art; and those dealing with astronomical art and space art. These categories are indicative of my own areas of interest and the quotes I've selected resonate with me.
Art Quotes Collections
- A Collection of Abstract Art Quotes is a sampling of quotes about abstract art and abstraction.
- A Collection of Fine Art Quotes is a wide ranging collection of quotations about the traditional visual arts by artists and critics alike. These quotes are grouped into the categories of humourous, philosophical, and those that deal with the artistic process.
- Computer Art and Artist Quotes is a collection of quotations that deal with computer art and the practice of digital artists.
- Space Art and Astronomical Art Quotes is a small collection of quotations that deal with an area of art in which I took a very early interest in life, namely space art and astronomical art.
“Misquotation is, in fact, the pride and privilege of the learned. A widely-read man never quotes accurately, for the rather obvious reason that he has read too widely.”
Hesketh Pearson (English actor)