Capricon Science Fiction Convention

Fate of the Sister Star
Looks like the folks running the Capricon Science Fiction Convention are keen to keep me busy this year. Capricon, which begins today and runs through Sunday, is one of three sciene fiction conventions held each year in the Chicago area. I've been a participant in “con” programming since the early 90's.
Following is the list of panels that I'll be on. The (M) identifies the person who will be serving as the panel's moderator.
- Web Design for Fans
- Tired of the same old web designs? Want your website to impress family and friends without overpowering them with bells and whistles? Come listen to some experts in the effective design of a fannish website. Jim Plaxco (M), Jason Robertson, Kevin Spencer.
- Digital Art
- Digital art is art created with a computer, from models or references created by the artist. The term is usually applied to works created entirely with a computer. The panel will cover both 2D and 3D digital art and its many applications. Artists Mike Cole (M), Rudy Jakupovic, Jim Plaxco.
- Technology: Mean or Green
- Is technology inherently detrimental to the environment? Or can technology lead us away from pollution and destruction of the biosphere? Christian McGuire, Jim Plaxco (M), Jim Rittenhouse.
- Astronomy Workshop
- The Universe around us has gotten a lot stranger and more varied since you took that intro to astronomy class so many years ago. Come and learn the latest in astronomical knowledge from Plutoids to the size of the Milky Way (now 35% larger!) in this workshop geared to teaching and understanding practical astronomy. Bill Higgins, Jim Plaxco (M), Henry Spencer.
- Space Camp
- If you want to know what it is like to train to be an astronaut, Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama is for you. Former campers tell stories of the camp and try to let you know why Space Camp is for you (and why it is just so much better than that Science Camp down the road). Joshua Jacobson, David Kahn, Jamie Kahn, Jim Plaxco (M), Grant Shillington.
In addition to the programming, I'll also be participating in the art show. The pictures that I am planning on bringing to the art show are:
- Butterfly Effect (not published on my web site)
- Contemplating Infinity
- Fate of the Sister Star pictured above.
- Femme Fatale
- Quantum Moon
- Sands of Mars
- Shades of Escher (not published on my web site)
Looks to be a fun weekend.
| Return to the Blog Index | This entry was posted on Thursday, February 19th, 2009 at 9:45 am and is filed under Art Shows, Presentations, SF Cons.