DucKon SF Convention and Schedule

Rain Forest Fantasy Digital Artwork by Jim Plaxco
I have no sooner recovered from the International Space Development Conference than I must get prepared for the DucKon Science Fiction Convention for the weekend of June 8-10. This year's theme: “The Duck Side of the Force”.
I was very much honored and flattered by DucKon's decision that I would be this year's Science Guest of Honor. It seems strangely appropriate since it was my childhood interest in science fiction that got me interested in science to begin with.
Following is a list of the presentations and panels that I will be involved in.
- Opening Ceremonies, Friday 7:00pm, Main Stage
- The grand opening festivities for the convention.
- The NSS Space Settlement Art Contest, Saturday, 11:00am, Conf B
- This is an expanded version of a presentation I gave at the International Space Development Conference reviewing the NSS Space Settlement Art Contest and the artwork that won that competition and which is featured in the Space Settlement Art Calendar.
- The Universe According to Monty Python, Saturday 1:00pm, Conf B
- An in depth analysis of the planetary, astronomical, and cosmological statements made in Monty Python's “The Galaxy Song”
- Space Art: Voyage to a New Frontier, Saturday 3:00pm, Conf B
- This is a panel about space art that I arranged and which will feature two space artist friends of mine: Walt Myers and Tom Peters. The description that we submitted for the panel is “an exploration of the aesthetic of space art and how artists must balance imagination and reality.”
- Imaging Mars, Sunday 11:00am, Conf B
- An introduction to the image processing associated with Mars mission data and an exploration of Martian geology using imagery from the Viking and Mars Global Surveyor missions to Mars. This presentation is focused on giving people enough information so that they too can begin to process PDS images themselves.
As always, I look forward to DucKon as I have always felt it to be the most science friendly SF convention in the Chicago area. For complete details about the convention visit the DucKon Science Fiction Convention web site.
Ad Astra, Jim
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