International Space Development Conference 2007 Photo Gallery

Jim Plaxco speaking with noted science fiction author Ben Bova about reports of global warming on Mars.
I recently completed the construction of a photo gallery for the National Space Society. The 2007 International Space Development Conference Photo Gallery gallery features 148 photographs of the people and events of the 2007 ISDC which took place May 25-28 in Dallas TX.
This gallery came into being as a consequence of a suggestion that I made: that having a gallery of photographs of the 2007 ISDC would be a good way of promoting the 2008 ISDC. I was subsequentially given a DVD of photographs taken at the conference by Nancy Ostertag – the photographer contracted for the job. Sifting through these photographs I came up with 148 to use in creating the gallery.
Looking back over the gallery I find that there are a few especially noteworthy photographs. In particular:
- Best Smile Award goes to Cassie Kloberdanz.(image no longer online)
- Best Award Presentation Style goes to NSS Senior Vice President Mark Hopkins who gets down on his knees (image no longer online) to present former Apollo Astronaut and U.S. Senator Jack Schmitt with the Gerard K. O'Neil Memorial Award.
- Best Speaker Photograph Award goes to the photograph of Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin (image no longer online) because of its excellent lighting.
While the gallery has been up since last week, it has not yet been publicly announced so for you Artsnova readers, you've got a scoop. And if you want to find out who that nameless person in the above photograph is, you'll just have to search through the 2007 International Space Development Conference Photo Gallery(image gallery no longer online).
By way of full disclosure, I currently serve as the Chair of the NSS Web Oversight Committee and am also a candidate in the upcoming NSS Board of Directors election – having been nominated both by the Nominations Committee and by petition.
Ad Astra, Jim
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