New Abstract Art – Fizzy Goodness

Fizzy Goodness, 27.5 by 17 inches, by Jim Plaxco
I just added a newly created artwork to my Abstract Gallery. Titled Fizzy Goodness, this art is my tribute to carbonated, sugar-enriched, artificially colored water. That's right – soda pop. Or cola, depending on what part of the U.S. or the world you are from.
I can't claim to be a cola connoisseur. Coca-cola, Dr Pepper, Root Bear, Orange Crush, and Squirt are my beverages of choice – delivering the high doses of sugar – and in some cases caffeine – that my body craves. I must confess that I don't imbibe very often – perhaps only a few times a month as I really don't need all that sugar and I try to set a good example for my two kids. To satisfy my desires for cold fizzy drinks I generally resort to simple carbonated water.
Fizzy Goodness is available as both a limited edition and open edition print. For information about the hand signed limited edition gallery wrap canvas in its original size, see Fizzy Goodness Limited Edition Print.
Cheers, Jim.
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