The Neophyte Pixel Pusher

The Neophyte Pixel Pusher Auto Poem
The Neophyte Pixel Pusher Auto Poem

Earlier this week I added an automatic poem generator to my web site. This was basically a conversion of a Java program I wrote a long time ago into a Python program. In testing the program, one of the poems generated was The Neophyte Pixel Pusher:

The Neophyte Pixel Pusher
The neophyte pixel pusher is sleeping in harmony with the hyper IBM.
Boldly the pixel pusher debugs.
The IBM imaging beyond a variegated computer.


A few more of the poems created while I was testing out the code follow.


The Electric Paint
The electric paint eludes deep inside the cybernetic vinegarroon.
Impatiently the paint seeks.
The vinegarroon screams while sleeping a malicious Lucian Freud.


The Chaotic Internet
The chaotic Internet writes while designing the networked Pierre Bonnard.
Panting Endlessly the Internet struggles.
The Pierre Bonnard seeks beyond a computerized portrait painter.


The Parallel Landscape
The parallel landscape conceives far beyond the young cubist.
Carelessly the landscape attacks.
The cubist drawing within a wiry graphic designer.


The Solitary Artisan
The solitary artisan conceptualizing in competition with the multithreaded silicon chip.
Hesitantly the artisan computing.
The silicon chip laughs in harmony with a shadowy processor.


Generally the algorithm I used to create these poems generates nonsense doggerel but every once in a while it does manage to come up with a combination of words that paint a mental picture that sort of works. Frankly, the fun part of the process was in designing and coding the program and in building the word lists.

For more and to give the poem generator a try for yourself, visit the Automatic Poem Generator

Automatic Poem Generator

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