Martian Sand Ripples

Martian Sand Ripples
I've just added a rendition of a Mars Exploration Rover image of sand ripples to my Space Art Gallery. This is an artistically modified version of an image I created a couple years back for use in a presentation I was giving about the Mars Exploration Rover mission. This particular image was captured by Opportunity while exploring Endurance Crater.
My interest in this image was recently renewed when I was contacted by the editor of The Mars Quarterly and asked if I would be willing to donate the image for publication in their next issue. As a former officer of and financial donor to the Mars Society I had absolutely no problem with this request. The Mars Society is unique in its devotion to the goal of human missions to Mars. For more information, visit the Mars Society web site.
Off topic, one of my favorite quotes uniquely combines my interest in Mars with my interest in programming - sort of. The source of the quote is Rick Cook who was the Mission Manager for the NASA Mars Pathfinder program and who wisely stated that "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." Of course common sense says never bet against the universe.
For information about the signed, limited edition version of Martian Sand Ripples, visit the Martian Sand Ripples web page..
Ad Astra, Jim
| Return to the Blog Index | This entry was posted on March 09, 2009 and is filed under Astronomical Art and Space Art .