Artsnova Art and Computer Graphics Related Links

It's a big web out there. To help you find your way, collected here is a list of web sites that I have found useful in the past. It is far from comprehensive and inclusion here is not meant to be an endorsement - unless specifically stated.

Link Collections by Subject

Art Essays Links
Web sites that feature interesting essays on the subject of art.
Astronomical Art and Space Art Links
Web sites whose emphasis is on space art and astronomical art.
Computer Graphics and Digital Art Links
Web sites whose emphasis is on digital art and computer graphics.
Illinois Art Museums Links
Web sites for art museums located in Illinois, USA.
Illinois Arts Organizations Links
Web sites for arts organizations located in northern Illinois, USA.
Online Art Collections and Databases Links
Online art museums and art databases.

We are entering the Age of Integration! ...The digital artist is the vehicle to that kind of cultural change. We are the first generation of this new breed and we will most surely be remembered...for we bring a quake of expression and technique that makes the art world very uncomfortable and that is as it should be.

Gene Hirsch, Founder