The Artsnova Website Logo

As a part of my web site creation process, I undertook to create a logo that would be both visually interesting and descriptive of the nature of the Artsnova web site.
Since digital art is a visual medium, I felt that incorporating the human eye into the logo was a necessity. The creation of digital art uses computer hardware and software to bring to life the artist's imaginings. To represent these digital tools as a cog in the form of a sunburst.
Within the eye itself, it is the pupil that is the window through which light from the outside world enters our mind. To represent the visual wonders of our universe, I created within the pupil a globular cluster. To view a globular cluster through a telescope is truly a wondrous vision.
And there you have it: the story of the creation of the Artsnova logo.
The world may indeed by considered as a vast machine, in which the great wheels are originally set in motion by those which are very minute, and almost imperceptible to any but the strongest eyes.
Henry Fielding Tom Jones