Social Media for Artists and Photographers Class

(This class has been retired.)
Social media has undergone explosive growth in recent years - both in the number of platforms available and in the amount of time people spend on them. The presentation Social Media for Artists and Photographers provides insights, tips, and strategies that artists and photographers can use in creating a social media presence that promotes their craft, their brand, and their business web site. Topics covered include
- benefits of using social media marketing
- creating personal profiles on various platforms
- creating business pages on Facebook, Google+, and Linkedin
- using social media as a component of SEO
- social media content strategy
- identifying which platforms are right for you
- using social media to promote your art and/or photography
As an artist and photographer my goal is to share what I've learned in the course of building my own social media presence. Included in the presentation will be the actual creation of personal profiles on some of the more popular social media platforms - assuming that the host facility/organization provides wireless Internet connectivity.
Social Media for Artists and Photographers is approximately one hour long and is expandable to accommodate the hands-on requirements of the students.
“Social media takes time and careful, strategic thought. It doesn’t happen by accident.”
Brian Boyd, Social Media for the Executive